
Posts Tagged ‘ALTA reports’

If you keep up with the ALTA reports from the Time Monks at HalfPastHuman, and who doesn’t, you’ll be glad to hear that we now have word on the identity of the Dog Poet. George Ure, of urbansurvival.com, reported today that he and Clif High, of halfpasthuman.com, had a conversation Sunday wherein they determined that Kanellos (real name Loukanikos-sausage) fits the parameters of the Dog Poet international revolution meme.

We’ve been waiting two years for the Dog Poet to show up and I, for one, am pleased to see that he appears, from pics and vids, to be the very sort of dog anyone would follow gladly into the pitched battle to rid ourselves of the shackles of slavery with which our Evil Overlords have burdened us, lo these many ages.

Okay, maybe it’s just me – he looks like a reincarnation of our beloved Bubba Duke who died in the fire with our children. Still, you gotta admit he does look like he holds his own at the Greek protests, riots, whatever you call what the people are doing over there to show how fond the Greeks are of the IMF, and their own economically reduced lives.

Am I the only one who’s noticed that since the financial SHTF in Greece the citizens there feel so FREE to protest? I don’t know if that’s because Greece is the country that gave the world the concept of democracy, or if it’s because Greece doesn’t have a Patriot Act with which to terrorize its citizens into docile, ovine acceptance of onerous economic burdens.

Speaking of onerous economic burdens on the citizens of the US, I’ve been reading that in addition to bailing out our own Evil Financial Overlords, we’re now considering the opportunity to prop up/bail out/underwrite/whatever the Euro. We can’t pay off the US debt and save our own dollar, but we can save the Euro? Am I the only one who’s noticed…?

Never mind, Kanellos, you keep modeling canine freedom to a watching world of sheep and people. And, should you someday retire from your position on the front lines of the planetary revolution meme, (as did the previous Kanellos) there will come another free dog to be the next Kanellos, to remind us all of what is possible when enough of us lie down quietly and patiently in front of a line of jackbooted thugs enforcing the will of the minority. (See Kanellos practicing this revolutionary tactic on his Facebook page. Think Gandhi. Think Tiananmen Square. Think Rachel Corrie. Think early Christian martyrs.)

Make no mistake, Kanellos is opening the minds of the world’s people to the possibility of living as a free street dog. And it’s starting to look pretty good to the terrified, the oppressed, the unwanted, the useless eaters, the unemployed, the sick, the hungry, the overtaxed, and all the other huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

Long live the Dog Poet!



Dog Poet on Facebook

Dog Poet on YouTube-ThisWeekInFascism

Dog Poet on YouTube-sknik29

Human Dog Poet at Smoking Mirrors-Les Visible

YouTube Archived Time Monks Interviews-WebBotProject

May 10, 2010

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